I.I.S. Castelli consists of:
  • I.T.I. "Istituto Tecnico Industriale "Benedetto Castelli"- an industrial technical school with daytime and evening sections.
  • "Scuola in Ospedale"- consisting of a team of 4 teachers who work in the local hospital and grant support and schooling to hospitalized students.

I.I.S. Castelli has always been deeply linked to the labour market of the area, which is one of the most industrialized in northern Italy. Besides offering thorough and organic cultural teaching, it has been providing scientific, technical and vocational education and training since 1962, when the School was built thanks to the efforts of local businessmen (members of the "Palazzoli Foundation", now "Castelli Foundation").

I.I.S. Castelli has historically played a fundamental role in the training of the qualified, highly-motivated and flexible technicians demanded by enterprises in Brescia and its environs.

I.I.S. Castelli collaborates with the local university as well, since their teaching methodologies provide our students with the qualifications necessary for advanced studies.

As stated in P.O.F.T. (Piano dell'Offerta Formativa Triennale) 2016-19 (3- year-programme for education) I.I.S.Castelli is projected into the future by means of collaboration and innovation; mobility, versatility and flexibility are the key-words of its programme.

The school is equipped with:

  • -35 fully equipped laboratories; 30 classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards; 2 audiovisual rooms.
  • -6 gyms; 1 five a-side football field; 1 athletics field.


Our 2,495 students (2,102 at the technical school "Benedetto Castelli" and 393 at the vocational school "Moretto") come from different areas in the province of Brescia and are mainly male (only 5% are female); first or second- generation foreign students compose about a fourth of the student body.

In regional, national and international competitions concerning different fields, such as Mechanics, Zerorobotics, Information Technology, Generazione Web Lombardia....., our students have achieved outstanding results and have been awarded several prizes.

Some examples:

Information Technology National Games:
2010: second prize
2011: second prize
2012: seventh prize
2013: seventh prize
2014: seventh prize
2015: fifth prize

Information Technology Olympic Games:
2005: finals+silver medal
2006: finals+ bronze medal
2007: finals+ silver medal
2008: finals
2011: finals
2012: finals+ bronze medal
2013: finals
2014: finals+ bronze medal
2015: finals+ bronze medal

Information Technology Olympic Games in teams:
2013: finals

National Games " Zerorobotics":
2014-15: finals

Mechanics National Games:
2008-09: first prize

Electronics National Games:
2010-11: second prize
2012-13: first prize

Automation National Games:
2014-15: first prize

"Digital School" Contest:
2014-15: second prize

"Generazione Web" Lombardia:
2014-15: placed with the project "C@stelliebook2 "

National Contest "FAST":
2008-09: second prize with the project " Light over blackout"
2013-14: eighth prize with the project "Pure synthetic products: an experimental study and its application in industrial processes".



Approximately 230 teachers, who are mainly permanent teachers, provide the students with lessons, sport practice and cultural and technical training.

They are organized in departments and regularly attend updating courses in order to provide their students with the best kind of teaching.

They also strive to meet the cultural and professional requirements of the enterprises which operate on the local market and are therefore deeply involved in experimentation and in developing the students' planning skills.

They are trying to come into contact with European schools and enterprises so that, by means of cultural and professional partnerships, they can enhance the students' performances and employment opportunities (see Erasmus+ project).

Areas of specialization and subjects

Students attend a five-year course of study and, after passing a final examination they receive a secondary school diploma in one of the different areas of specialization.

At I.T.I.S. "Castelli":
- Common subjects
- Mechanics, Mechatronics and Energy  (subjects)
- Information Technology and Telecommunications (subjects)
- Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automation (subjects)
- Chemistry and Materials (subjects)

At I.P. "Moretto":
- Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance (subjects)
- Mechanical operator (subjects)


Morning lessons start at 7.55: students attend 32 weekly hours distributed in groups of five six-hour-days, except on Saturdays when lessons end at midday.

Morning lessons start at 8.00: students attend 32 weekly hours distributed in groups of five six-hour-days, except on Saturdays when lessons end at midday.

Lessons start at 6.30 p.m.: students attend 23 weekly hours distributed in groups of four-hour-days, except on Saturdays when lessons are given in the afternoon for three hours.

Lessons start at 6.30 p.m.: students attend 23 weekly hours distributed in groups of four-hour-days, except on Saturdays when lessons are given in the afternoon for three hours.